Stafford Childhood Collaborative
Sandy Fowler
School Readiness Liaison
Laura Lybarger |
Co-Chair |
Amanda Mayer |
Co-Chair |
Contact Stafford Childhood Collaborative: staffordchildhoodcol[email protected]
Stafford Childhood Collaborative was established in 1998, first as the local School Readiness Council, when Stafford first received School Readiness funding. School Readiness provides affordable, quality Early Childhood experiences for 3 and 4 year old children living in Stafford. West Stafford School is funded to provide children with a School Readiness experience that can assure they will enter kindergarten ready to learn. For further information regarding the initiative please click here.
Fees are based on a sliding scale. The family fee is based on gross annual income and family size. To be eligible, your child must be a Stafford resident between the ages of 3 and 4. School day and part day programs are available.
The School Readiness Council received funds in 2010 from the Graustein Memorial Funds and State partners to create the Stafford Community Plan. The intent of this plan was to identify the needs in the community with the purpose to improve the delivery of services to all children, regardless of economics, race or social standing in order to improve the outcomes for education, health and development. The actionable items in this plan continues to inform the work of this Council, now the Stafford Childhood Collaborative, which continues to serve as the local School Readiness Council ensuring the quality components of the School Readiness legislation are met. This cross-sector group of educators, childcare providers, parents, businesses, town service representatives, and health providers meet bi-monthly to ensure the appropriate monitoring of all programs receiving State funds, to serve as an advisory group, and to identify actions to address goals identified in the community plan. Please contact WSS Main Office with any questions.
Agendas and Minutes from Stafford Board of Education Meetings may be found here.
Council Members